Saturday, 13 December 2008

It's official.

I'm going to do a collab :D Even though I only have 51 subscribers, I'd really like to do one. I posted a quick mention in the sidebar of my latest video and a few people seem interested, so here goes nothing.
Please please please be in it and tell your friends too.
It's going to be all about new years resolutions, so please send a clip (about 5-20 seconds long, but there is no strict time limit) of you talking about your new years resolution(s) to
Preferably in wmv format :)
ALL ARE WELCOME, so please spread the word.
Thankyou :)


Anonymous said...

I shall get to it post haste.

Luke Beaumont's Design for Digital Media Blog said...

Hey just letting you know I want to be part of this

Lexxx linked me through to you :)

I will try to send you a video A.S.A.P

what's the latest you want it for?

By the way get ready to EEEP! I just subscribed :)

Ashabi said...

I want to make a video but my camera can only make videos in mov format. I hope thats okay.