Saturday, 28 February 2009

Almost forgot

that I need to blog. That's a first, usually I do it quite early before I have time to do anything so they're all really pointless.
Today I:

-Irl'd it up and spent vouchers on summery tops :)
-Ate my own body weight in Minstrels
-Ran up and down the stairs while eating said minstrels in the hope that I could burn them off as I ate them.
(-This resulted in me nearly choking)
-Finished Philosophers stone and started Chamber of secrets.
-Ate my last Peanut Butter KitKat
-Decided to become anorexic as of tomorrow.
-Watched trashy saturday night teevees
-Planned on being more sociable

Today has been weird. I'm perfectly content, but when I think about how I'm actually feeling in all seriousnesslike I feel down. IONO, I'll just not think about it and be happy, 'cos I don't have a good enough reason to feel like this.
Okay I'll stop going on about my stupid life now :)

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